SuperMedia Streamlines Products Offering New Program
SuperMedia Streamlines Products Offering New Program: Display Brand Awareness
Back in my day there were so many product offerings that it seemed diluted. Customers did not know what a UDAC was, and frankly they didn’t care; they simply wanted results.
I was particularly fond of the SuperMatch product which enabled a select few local businesses the opportunity to dominate the header area of and get some really good exposure.
Well, that was fine for then. In fact, having your ads displayed on SuperPages at the top was something worth having in its day. But alas, the IDN (Internet Directory’s) have lost momentum in general, as most people choose to use the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. What’s an Internet Directory gotta do to keep up with the changing times?
That is exactly what SuperMedia is doing with their new Display Brand Awareness product. By helping their advertisers engage consumers online through banner placements on top-sites they are helping their customers increase traffic upwards to 48% and then influence search behavior by 50%, by targeting ad placement in local search.
To top it off they are guaranteeing a whole lot more exposure in the form of impressions than the once coveted SuperMatch program.
Perhaps my favorite part of the new program is the implementation of contextual, behavioral and geographic targeting. In simplest terms, they are following suit with what we have been doing now over the past few years with re-marketing. For those who do not know what it is, I bet you’ve seen it. Here’s how it works. You visit a site looking for a product, you leave the site. Next thing you know, the information from the site you just closed seems to be following you everywhere! This is the technology that keeps you in front of actively engaged consumers when they are ready to buy.
In summary, we are excited to see that the SuperMedia legacy continues to thrive in an environment where other IDN’s are falling by the way-side. At Adwebvertising, we like to stay on top of quality advertising opportunities for our clients. If you are interested in learning more about these services and leveraging the services of your favorite ad agency, Adwebvertising, give us a call today and we will work on your behalf to help you get the best possible price for this new service from SuperMedia. As always, Adwebvertising is committed to helping your business gain prominent exposure on the Internet search engines. For more information about this new product and other amazing advertising solutions contact Adwebvertising today!
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